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Hire Full Stack Developer

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Full Stack Developer Services

  Are you looking for a programmer who is comfortable with both the back-end and front-end of applications?
  Are you looking for someone who can link different technologies to streamline IT processes in the company?
  Are you looking for a person who has had experience with various IT projects and understands technical issues and user needs?

If the answer to all questions is affirmative – hire a Full Stack Developer!

A Full Stack Developer is a programmer who is not limited to narrow specialization, it is a person who knows coding languages as well as programming languages, which is why they can handle the entire process of creating applications, programs, and websites. They know technologies and can combine them, so they find the best solution for a given IT issue and implement it.

Beyond the standard skills of navigating in back-end and front-end coding and programming, a Full Stack Developer can be more, so if you need someone who can additionally configure a server, navigate smoothly through the database, and even create it themselves, then hire a Full Stack Engineer!

A Full Stack Engineer is a programmer who has perfected the creation of back-end and front-end. Such a person has been in the IT industry for many years and has cut their teeth on various projects. They can program, code, set up servers, understand dependencies between systems, can handle databases, prototyping, debug, implement software, and also have basic knowledge in the field of UX/UI, and even graphic issues. A Full Stack Engineer comprehensively manages processes in search of the best solutions for a given problem.

If you are looking for a Full Stack Developer or Full Stack Engineer for your team, here is a list of skills that we offer as part of our services:

Programming & protocols/services: PHP 5.6.x-7.4.x, HTML5, CSS3/SCSS/Sass/LESS, JavaScript, jQuery 1.x-3.x, jQuery UI 1.8.x1.12.x, Node.js 11.x-15.x, Bootstrap 2.x-4.x, Ajax, Python 3.5.x-3.9.x, SOAP, REST, XMPP (Jabber), Telnet, SSH, NFS, SMB, FTP, KVM (IPMI), GIT, Composer, Bash Shell scripting
Databases/administration of databases: MySQL 5.x-8.x, MariaDB 5.x-10.x, PostgreSQL 6.x-13, phpMyAdmin, pgAdmin
Operating system software: Debian 8.x-10.x, CentOS 6.x-8, Ubuntu 8.x-20.x, Windows: Vista-10, Windows Server 2012-2016
Servers/service management: Apache 2.x, NGINX 0.x-1.x, OpenLiteSpeed 1.6.x-1.7.x, XAMPP, OpenSSH, Prosody, Metronome, Postfix, Dovecot (+Roundcube), Nextcloud, PHP-FPM, FastCGI, Redis, Memcached, PECL, Fail2ban, Pure-FTPd, Bind, DNS, AD DS, RD, TCP/IP, NAT, DHCP, iptables, UFW, Plesk, ISPConfig 3, SphinxSearch, Cron
Command interpreters: Unix shell (+Cygwin), PowerShell, cmd (+Clink)
Frameworks: Zend Framework (Laminas), Laravel, Angular, Joomla! Framework
CMS: Joomla, Wordpress, Drupal, vBulletin, MediaWiki
E-commerce: Magento, WooCommerce, Hikashop, Virtuemart, osCommerce, Zen Cart, cStore, Shoper